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About Us

We're a not for profit community dating project based in Devon, United Kingdom, with our main aim of helping people in the West country, create harmonious relationships that last!

Our incredible relationship matching luvcalculator offers an accurate and objective evaluation of a couple's compatibility! So, no bad dates and you look forward to dating only compatible people who are matched harmoniously with you.

And it's free! This means that you will never pay to use basic features on the website. We will never charge people so its FOREVER FREE! So, invite your friends to join to. The more people that use the service the more successful it will become.

You'll be registered in moments, then start browsing member profiles, even send a message if you're interested! As you browse, you'll see your compatibility score displayed for each person! You'll know right away whether you're apt to be a nice fit! A green score means you'd make a great couple! but if you encounter a score that's displayed in red it's best to leave them to find someone who's more compatible, no matter how attractive they are too you! Our advice is not to waste time chatting with someone who is not compatible and harmony will be elusive!, makes it simple to find an attractive partner, with a similar lifestyle, someone who's compatible with you! A score over 30 is good! A score over 60 is excellent!

The team at recommends hanging out with all your top scoring matches and follow your heart to find the right person for you! And most important be true to yourself and your feelings.

It's time to get to know your potential matches and see who fits the bill! So what are you waiting for? Get started finding your compatible matches today! Register Here

Our Founders

Anjing & Robert Magill

If you would like to make a donation, Donate Now Donate Now with paypal

We are very thankful to all our benefactors
Sean McCarthy
Jane Fitton
& all those who prefer to be nameless.



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